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Durham Woman Sustains Back Injury after being Run Over by an SUV

A 70-year-old Durham woman, hit by an SUV at Raleigh-Durham International Airport in June, was treated for a back injury and released from WakeMed according to a news report.

Genevee Dillard has been resting in bed, unable to stand up straight or walk, according to her daughter, Sheremy Dillard-Clanton.

When Dillard-Clanton drove up to Terminal 2 where her mother was supposed to be waiting, she saw her mother was flat on the ground, according to the news report.

"As I came around and I looked at her, I saw she was on the ground," Dillard-Clanton said. She quoted her mother as saying, "I’ve lived for 70 years and I’ve never been hit by a car."

Christopher Dashawn Mazyck forgot to put his car in park when he left his vehicle running outside Terminal 2. The SUV began to roll. When Mazyck saw it moving, he leapt inside but hit the gas instead of the brake, investigators said.

According to an airport spokesman, two other people also were injured. They were left with minor injuries from trying to escape from the path of the wayward SUV. In addition, the SUV hit three signs.

Also from Durham, Mazyck, 20, faced charges of a safe movement violation. Investigators said they don’t anticipate any further charges will be brought against Mazyck.


If you or someone you love is injured in an accident that is caused by another’s negligence, you may be eligible to seek compensation for your injuries. To speak with a Raleigh personal injury lawyer, contact Kelly & West today.