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Medicaid Spenddown

Medicaid Spenddown

Medicare will only pay for nursing home care up to the first 100 days in a nursing home, despite what kind of Medicare coverage one has. So what happens after that when a person still needs care? Medicaid Long-Term Care provides coverage for such an individual, provided the individual meets the qualifications for the program; however, the rules are complex, and often confusing as they do not follow logic, nor are they based in common sense. Furthermore, there are many myths out there surrounding this type of care and quite a bit of inaccurate information. If your loved one might need nursing home care but is not sure how they are going pay for such care, it’s time to seek help. To talk with a compassionate attorney about your options for care, please give us a call. We look forward to talking with you.

Your Medicaid Spenddown Attorneys

Your Medicaid Spenddown Lawyer

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