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Tag: accident

How Do Insurance Companies Handle “Hit-and-Run” Incidents?

Consider this scenario: You’re driving home from work during rush hour traffic. Suddenly, a car rear-ends you.  Before you can react, you notice the car that hit you is speeding off into traffic.  You’ve just been involved in a “hit-and-run” incident.  What can you do?  You have auto insurance, but how does your insurance company handle this situation?

First, gather as much information as possible. If you notice the car speeding off, write down the make, model, and license plate number. These details can help police locate the driver and can also help your insurance company decide your claim.  If there are witnesses that have stopped to help, ask for their names and contact information so that they can help you verify your claim.  Make a note of the time and location in which the accident took place, and take pictures of your vehicle.

If you can eventually identify the driver that hit you, you can obtain their insurance information and file a claim through their insurance. If you or the police are unable to locate the driver, or if the driver is uninsured, you may have to file a claim with your insurance company and seek coverage through uninsured motorist (UM) coverage.

North Carolina law requires that auto insurance policies include uninsured motorist coverage equal to the state minimum liability coverage limits, which are currently $30,000.00 for bodily injuries per person, $60,000.00 for bodily injuries to more than one person, and $25,000 for property damage. Additional uninsured motorist coverage can be purchased from your insurance company.

We recommend that you have $1,000,000.00 of uninsured motorist coverage. This coverage will protect you, anyone riding with you, and any family member who is riding in someone else’s car in the event that the person that caused the wreck has no insurance. You will find that once you buy a little bit of this type of coverage, buying say ten times more will only cost about two or three times (not ten times) as much, so purchasing the additional coverage is not nearly as expensive as you might think.  Talk to your insurance agent now, as you should not have to wait for your policy to renew to add this coverage.

If you have been a victim of a hit-and-run, Kelly & West is experienced in handling these cases. Contact us today to see how we can ensure the best possible outcome for your case.

What Should You Do if You’re Involved in a Slip, Trip, or Fall Accident?

What Should You Do if You’re Involved in a Slip, Trip, or Fall Accident?

You’re walking along in the produce aisle of a grocery store, and suddenly, you slip and fall in a puddle of water.  Ouch.

Your first impulse may be to feel embarrassed — don’t.  Such injuries can be serious — one of the most common reasons people go to the emergency room.  According to the National Floor Safety Institute, falls account for more than 8 million trips to hospital emergency rooms per year — the leading cause of visits.  Over 1 million of those visits, more than 12%, are for slip, trip, and fall injuries.

More than 16,000 U.S. deaths annually are attributed to falls.   In addition, experts estimate that more than 300,000 serious injuries and millions of minor injuries each year are the result of a slip, trip, and fall incidents. 

According to the law, people have the right to expect that the conditions of most government property, public places, offices, stores, companies, and private homes will ad

here to basic safety standards.  No matter how careful you are, you could walk into a situation in which unsafe conditions make a slip, trip, and fall injury unavoidable.

If you’re injured in a slip, trip, and fall incident, follow these guidelines to protect yourself and your legal rights:

Get medical assistance if needed.  If you’ve ever been hurt in a fall, you know that it 

can sometimes take weeks to realize the full extent of your injuries.  That’s why it’s

 important to seek medical attention immediately.  Get a thorough examination in the hours just after you fall so that doctors can assess your injuries, some of which may not be apparent at first.

Document the situation and make an official report.  Although your priority is medical care, it’s also important to try to preserve evidence at the scene of your fall.  Take photos of the scene if possible and ask any available witnesses if they would be willing to provide their account of what happened.  If you’re in a public place, ask a manager to help you file an accident report.  Most companies keep forms on hand in case anyone is injured on the premises.  The report will help you document your side of the story and initiate an official paper trail that may be helpful later.

Protect your legal rights. If you’ve been hurt in a slip, trip, and fall incident, the business at which you were injured may be held accountable for your medical expenses and compensation for lost wages and personal suffering.  An experienced personal injury attorney can determine whether you have a valid liability claim and help you understand your legal rights. Get in touch with Kelly & West as soon as you can.

Talk to a lawyer to answer your questions about a slip, trip, or fall accident.




Motorcycle and Car Accidents: How Are They Different?

All drivers on the road, whether on a motorcycle or in a car, are required to follow the same traffic laws. However, the legal outcomes of an accident can differ depending on the vehicle.

If you were in a motorcycle accident, you may think that your case would be handled the same way as if it were a car, but there are significant differences that mean you may deserve more than what you think. For example, the driver of the car may be at least partially liable because cars have more safety advantages over riding motorcycle

Here are other differences between motorcycle accidents and car accidents that many jurors and insurance agents will not know. A good motorcycle accident attorney will help educate and advocate for you.

  • Many people who do not own or ride motorcycles may perceive those who do as daredevils or dangerous. An experienced attorney will inform the jury of your actions, as a rider, to take precautions and drive safely.
  • An attorney can also educate the jury about actions you took during an accident that may look wrong to a car driver, such as laying the motorcycle down.
  • Motorcycles are more difficult to see because they are significantly smaller than a car. Because of this, a driver of a car may not see a motorcyclist when turning or merging into another lane.
  • There are hazards on the road that are more dangerous for motorcyclists. For example, potholes, slick roads, and debris can mean life or death for someone on a motorcycle, but may not have as much effect in a car.
  • Fender benders are common among car accidents, but even a “tap” can seriously injure a motorcyclist if hit from behind. In fact, cars take longer to stop than motorcycles do, so if someone is driving too close to the back of a motorcyclist, then that could mean negligence on the car driver’s part.
  • There are fewer safety precautions for a motorcycle than cars. Because of this, injuries from a motorcycle accident can be more serious, take longer to heal and keep you out of work longer than a car accident. Read these safety tips to cover how you can stay safe on the road.

Having an attorney familiar with laws regarding motorcycle accidents means that you can rely on someone that is familiar with what applies and how these accidents are different from car accidents.

Our firm has more than 35 years of experience. If you were in a motorcycle accident, contact us. We can help you understand your options and make sure you receive the compensation you deserve.

Why Should You Work With a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Did you know that 700,000 personal injury cases are filed per year? If you have been involved in an accident at the hands of another, you might be wondering what you should do — and whether you can or should get help from a Lillington lawyer. 

The first step is to determine if the accident falls into the personal injury category. In most personal injury cases, a physical injury has occurred, but not all. You can still file a personal injury claim if you have suffered a non-physical loss. 

Let’s go over some of the common incidents where you might need a personal injury lawyer. 

How Can We Help?

Generally, we can assist with personal injury cases that include accidents involving alcohol, as well as bicycle, automobile, or truck accidents. We help people with dog bites, head injuries, hit and runs, medical malpractice, negligence, nursing home injuries, pedestrian accidents, slip, trip, and fall accidents, and under/uninsured motorist claims. You can read about the types of accidents we cover at Kelly & West here.

Photo by Kelly Lacy from Pexels

So, Why Should I Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Many people feel weird about filing a lawsuit after an accident. But rest assured, 98% of cases settle out of court without a lawsuit having to be filed. Also, most accidents cost you money. Those costs might be medical bills, even if you have insurance. The accident might mean paying higher premiums or missing work hours, shorting your paycheck. If the accident is someone else’s fault, it makes sense that he or she or his or her insurance company should pay those costs, not you.

You might think you can work it out on your own. But your case might be more complicated than you think. A personal injury claim can be overwhelming, and we are here to break everything down and inform you about every step. We take pride in making sure you are kept informed and updating you on the status of your case. 

Benefits of Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer 

  • Fair Compensation – The insurance company’s compensation might not be as fair as you think. A personal injury lawyer can break down the case and offer expertise. Your personal injury lawyer will know what your claim is worth and will be able to advocate for fair compensation in your case.
  • Time/Energy Saver – When you hire a personal injury lawyer, they are responsible for keeping up with all of the documents involved, including medical records and reports. Organization is of high importance at Kelly & West, and we will be sure to keep everything in order. We will also communicate with adjusters, so you don’t have to.
  • Representation in Court – If it’s necessary to file a lawsuit to resolve the case, a personal injury lawyer will represent you in court and take care of all legal proceedings. 
  • They can communicate updates and explain what is taking place inside the courtroom. We work diligently to offer frequent updates and do anything we can to make this process easier.

Our attorneys at Kelly & West are motivated to help our clients. It is our priority to make this process as smooth as possible. If you have been involved in an accident at the fault of another, please contact us today for a free consultation. 

Accident? Don’t Delay Medical Treatment Due to COVID Fears

If you’re in a car accident and hurt, you generally know you should go to the doctor. Obviously, if you’re seriously injured, you know you’ll need care or even an ambulance. But if you’re not seriously hurt, you might think it’s OK to skip the doctor’s visit.

It’s not.

Coronavirus, or COVID-19, has changed many things about our world. But one of those changes has doctors concerned: people avoiding healthcare because they don’t want to catch Coronavirus the waiting room. Doctors report that people are coming in later for problems such as chest pain or appendix trouble.

We don’t have statistics about those who may be avoiding the doctor after a car accident or work injury or falling in the parking lot. But aside from the medical care you need for a concussion or other invisible health problem, there’s another good reason to go: protecting your right to compensation.

Your insurance company may not pay for your medical care if you delay it. We’ve talked to many people who felt OK after an accident but then later felt that the needed treatment because of the accident. They sought medical care sometimes only a few days later. In that situation, the insurance company may not consider this care as part of your case. The other problem is they may not consider any treatment after that date as related to your case either. So, it is vital that you seek medical attention very soon after an accident.

What to Do After An Accident

After an accident, first, make sure you’re OK. If you’re not, call 911. If you are, you can check on other people. Do not talk about fault or who caused the accident or what happened.

If you’re able, take photos of the accident, including some wide shots to show your location and the location of the vehicles. Take photos of the car damage and your injuries. Write down the contact and insurance information of other people. If a police officer is there, get his or her information so you can access the accident report.

Report the accident to your insurance company within 24 hours. You don’t have to give them all the details, but they need to know it occurred to get the file started.

Seek medical care that same day, even if you feel fine. Talk to your doctor about what happened and ask about obtaining medical records in case you’ll need them later.

Contact us as soon as you can, so we know what’s happening and can offer advice about your next steps. Please don’t avoid medical care you may need. Doctor’s offices and healthcare providers are taking steps to keep people safe inside their facilities.

Questions about an accident or other legal issues? Contact us for help.

5 Common Mistakes to Avoid if You’re in an Accident

If you’re in an accident, bitten by a dog, slip and fall at the store, or get hurt in some other way, that’s what lawyers call a personal injury. After this happens, your first thought is (of course), “Am I OK?” After all, you’re hurt, and you may even need medical attention.

But if at all possible, there are a few other things to keep in mind for later — especially if your accident is caused by someone else. Personal injury cases are challenging for Harnett County residents because most of the time, you don’t want to be rude or make a fuss. But if someone else caused your accident and you need expensive medical care, we can help.

However, there are some things to keep in mind that can drastically change the outcome of your case. Avoid these common mistakes in personal injury cases:

Mistake No. 1: Failing to Document the Scene
Documenting the scene isn’t your first thought after an accident — and we don’t blame you! Most of us think about taking photos after a car accident, sure, but after any injury, take pictures. This evidence is critical because it will show the time, date, location, and circumstances. Take photos close up of injuries and where you are and stand back from the scene (if it’s safe) to take pictures from other angles. Photos of tire marks, location of vehicles, vehicle damage weather conditions, and even the lighting (or lack thereof) can help. If you slipped on the floor of a business, for example, you’d need photos showing lack of signage, the water or substance, and more.

Mistake No. 2: Saying Too Much
When you’re mad, it’s easy to want to tell everyone. But venting about the incident and saying too much can cause problems later, especially if you’re talking to the other person’s lawyer or insurance company. You might also say the wrong thing to the other people involved, family members, neighbors, or others who are nearby. These days, we’ve seen problems arise after people post on social media about their accident. Resist that urge to post! You may not realize at the time, but a skilled lawyer could use your words against you and flip the trajectory of your case.

Mistake No. 3: Skipping Medical Treatment Right After the Accident

Even if you believe your injuries don’t require a doctor’s care, you should immediately seek a medical evaluation by an orthopedic doctor and/or ER doctors — who are better suited to treat trauma than a family doctor. A doctor’s report connecting your injuries to the accident at hand is of the utmost importance in verifying the root cause of your injuries; their proper documentation can be used for your benefit in court.

Mistake No. 4: Admitting Fault

Generally speaking, it’s rarely a good idea to admit fault.  Especially since, as a part of contributory negligence law in North Carolina, if a person is even slightly or 1 percent at fault in causing their own injuries, they are restricted from getting any recovery (money, in most cases). This is why you should speak with a lawyer immediately after an accident and avoid talking with others about the accident until you speak with a lawyer.

Mistake No. 5: Not Calling the Police

After an accident, especially on a busy road, people don’t always want to call the police. They don’t want to add drama to their lives; they are in a hurry to be somewhere. But stop for a moment and call the police so you can get an official report for your personal injury case. The other person may first admit guilt but later claim it wasn’t his fault. (This happens all the time.) The police report will include details your lawyer can use about how the accident occurred and sometimes this information is critical in proving your case.

These are just a few common mistakes we see with personal injury cases. If you, or loved ones, are involved in an accident that is not your fault, don’t hesitate to call on the professionals at Kelly and West to assist you with your specific case.



What to Know about Truck Accidents

Semi-truck accidents, or accidents involved an 18-wheeler, are more common than you might guess. After all, millions of trucks drive our highways and Interstates each day, hauling food and goods across the country, including through North Carolina. 

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, 4,657 large trucks were involved in fatal crashes in 2017 (the most recent year available). 

The number of accidents involving trucks is going up. According to the most recent report: 

  • The number of large trucks involved in fatal crashes increased 10 percent from 2016 to 2017, from 4,251 to 4,657. 
  • The large truck involvement rate (large trucks involved in fatal crashes per 100 million miles traveled by large trucks) increased 6 percent, from 1.48 to 1.56.  
  • The number of large trucks involved in injury crashes increased by 5 percent, from 102,000 to 107,000.  
  • The number of large trucks involved in property damage only crashes increased by 3 percent, from 351,000 to 363,000.  


Truck accidents tend to cause a lot more damage due to the size of the vehicle. Often those hurt or killed are passengers or drivers in other vehicles, again due to the truck’s enormity. Furthermore, there are usually more people involved, including the driver, the trucking company, and the drivers of other cars. 


Common causes of these accidents include: 


  • Loss of control, which may be caused by speeding or inattention 
  • Rear-end collisions, sometimes caused by the driver of another vehicle stopping short in front of a truck
  • Running out of lane space 
  • Overtired drivers and distracted drivers

Not all trucking companies and drivers are doing things wrong. But many cases over the years have shown that poorly maintained vehicles, overloaded trucks, and overtired drivers contribute to these accidents. Plus, today, it’s common for drivers to be distracted by phones and screens. 


Some small car accidents may not require an attorney, but if you are involved in a truck accident, it’s critical to get legal help. The differences in these accidents, those involved, and the insurance tends to be more complicated — and the damages tend to be severe. 

You can learn more about semi-truck accidents with our free download. Click the red bar on the right side of this page for the free info sheet. Or, contact us as soon as possible after an accident involving a semi-truck so we can gather essential evidence.

How Can I Help My Personal Injury Case Succeed?

No matter the measures we take to avoid physical or emotional harm to our reputation or our bodies, the misfortune of personal injury is sometimes unavoidable.

If you’re concerned about whether you’re going to be fairly compensated for your injuries in a personal injury claim, make sure you pay attention to a few Do’s and Don’ts for the success of your case.

Do – Gather as much evidence as possible. Take pictures of your injuries and the accident scene and be sure to get contact information for any witnesses or anyone else who came on the scene.  

Don’t – Wait until later to seek critical information. The fresher and more recent the evidence you gather about your injury, the better. It will be challenging to go back and recall what happened after the fact. If you or a family member can’t get a police report and immediate photos of the incident, do so as soon as physically possible.

Do – Understand negligence. In many personal injury cases, one person can be at more fault than the other; it’s important you’re aware of the degree to which you may be responsible for your own injuries. The results of your case could depend on the laws of negligence and on contributory vs. comparative negligence, so make sure you understand the difference.

Don’t – Talk with the insurance company or give a statement until you seek legal advice.  Also, don’t assume the right to compensation based on being “less at fault.” Sometimes personal injury isn’t so straightforward. In some cases, being at all at fault can deny you any compensation. The more you understand about fault and how you may be at fault, the better equipped you are to deal with these issues in your case, before you talk with the insurance company.

Do – Research the full value of your claim. There are multiple types of damages you can sue for, and you should be aware of all of them. Your case doesn’t have to only revolve around one or two types of damages.

Don’t – Accept the first offer. The first offer is rarely ever the largest amount that the other party is willing to pay. 

Do – Listen to your doctor. Answer all questions honestly and adhere to the rules and recommendations given by your doctor following an accident.

Don’t – Steer away from your instructed treatment, as this could be used to suggest that your injuries are less severe or perhaps non-existent.

Do – Cooperate with your lawyer. As with your doctor, you must answer all of your lawyer’s questions truthfully as well.

Don’t – Hide information from your lawyer. You must fully disclose former injuries, medical history, criminal background, and other factors that could come up in your case.

Consider having Kelly & West on your side to maximize your claim with decades of experience and extensive knowledge in personal injury specifically.  The sooner you contact us, the more effective we can be. As stated above, it’s best not to wait. You can use live chat on our website or call us at 910-893-8183.

Clearing Up Confusion About Auto Insurance

Auto insurance is required in North Carolina, but are you aware of the minimum requirements? What your options are or how it works?

Choosing auto insurance — or even knowing what to choose! — is a difficult process, but at Kelly and West we want to make it easy for you. We’ve seen what happens to good people who think they have coverage, but find out after a car accident they don’t have everything they need. Here is what you should know:

Minimum Insurance
In North Carolina there are a few types of auto insurance required for everyone who owns a car:

● Minimum of $30,000 injury liability per person per accident

● Minimum of $60,000 injury liability total per accident

● Minimum of $25,000 property damage per accident

● Uninsured motorist coverage of $30,000

North Carolina does not require you to have collision and comprehensive coverage, but if you are paying off a loan or leasing your car, the finance company or bank WILL require collision and comprehensive coverage.

Photo credit: orangesky3 via VisualHunt / CC BY
Photo credit: orangesky3 via VisualHunt / CC BY

How Insurance Works
While it is mandatory to buy liability coverage in North Carolina, extra coverage is also available. A lot of people skip the extra coverage to save money, even though for a few extra dollars the extra coverage could help pay for medical bills, pain and suffering, repairs to the vehicle, rental cars, and loss of income due to the accident.

Extra coverage could include:
● Comprehensive Coverage – No collision. Anything that could happen to your car that is not directly involved in a collision with another moving vehicle. Some examples are a broken windshield or vandalism.

● Uninsured or Underinsured Coverage – The other person involved in the accident does not have insurance or does not have enough insurance to cover the bills associated with the accident or the total value of your claim. North Carolina’s minimum requirement is often not enough to cover all expenses after an accident.

● Medical Payments Coverage – Medical payments coverage is not required, but should be considered. This coverage provides reimbursement to you for medical expenses following an accident no matter who is at fault. The only requirement is that you personally have or you are in a car of a person who has medical payments coverage. This coverage is normally reasonably priced and can prove beneficial because it provides money while recovering from an accident.

How Much to Buy
It is easy to choose the minimum coverage amounts required by law, but those amounts are not recommended. At Kelly and West we recommend:

● $1 million per person combined uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage

● At least $50,000 per person injury liability

● $100,000 per accident liability

● $25,000 medical coverage (It is better to go higher if you can afford because medical bills tend to cost much more than this.)

● Add collision with a $500 deductible

● Comprehensive with a $0 deductible

We have found that once you buy some insurance, you can normally increase the amount or your coverage to those shown above for a very little increase in your premiums. These recommended amounts are higher than the minimum law in North Carolina, but we feel that the extra protection is definitely worth the cost. If you have questions about your insurance after an accident or would like to speak with an experienced attorney, contact  Kelly and West today.

If you don’t take action to protect yourself and your family, then you are putting yourself and your family at great risk of being injured or killed by someone who has no insurance or by someone without adequate insurance to fully compensate you for your injury, your medical bills and your loss of income.

Motorcycle Injury: Important Tips To Follow If It Happens To You

The sun is bright, flowers are blooming, birds are singing, and you’re hopping on your motorcycle. There is no better feeling than the new spring air rolling across your face as you cruise down the road. If you have a motorcycle, then it is no surprise that having a bike can be a lot of fun. This is true, but a harsh reality lies behind biking, concerning your personal safety and legal rights.

Click here to Download our Free Accident Response Guide

Personal injury cases involving motorcycles need to have special attention. Unfortunately, juries tend to have a bias against motorcyclists.The defensive lawyer may try to say that you were:

  • Not wearing proper clothing
  • Speeding
  • Riding in the wrong part of the lane
  • Being reckless

It is important to recognize who was at fault in the accident. You may be liable under “contributory negligence” if you contributed in the accident in anyway. In this case, insurance companies will not want to compensate you for your injuries. Your case can turn messy, so it is always a good idea to have someone fighting for you.

Photo credit: Alan Vernon. via / CC BY-NC-SA
Photo credit: Alan Vernon. via / CC BY-NC-SA

Having a personal injury attorney experienced in motorcycle accidents can help you win your case. The defense will constantly shift blame towards you as a motorcyclist. Car and truck drivers receive sympathy because motorcycles are small in comparison to more common, larger vehicles.

And of course, be safe:

  • Always wear a helmet and proper safety gear. The reality is that riders without a helmet are 40% more likely to have a fatal head injury due to an accident. Eye wear, gloves,  padded clothing, long pants, and ankle-covering shoes are essential. These materials will help protect you from wind, debris, and injury. Wearing bright colors will also help you to be more noticeable to cars and trucks.
  • Always be aware of your surroundings on the road. You have to be a defensive driver. At a time of excessive GPS, mp3, and phone use: car and truck drivers have a tendency to keep their eyes OFF the road. It is more important than ever for bikers to always check his/her surroundings for traffic.
  • Know your vehicle. Do a general walk-around before riding your motorcycle. Check your brakes, tires, chains, and belts. Catching a problem before you ride could save your life.

Motorcycle accidents call for special considerations; protect your rights and make sure you are compensated for your injuries. We hope you have an enjoyable riding season!

Hit-and-Run Wrecks

Raleigh Hit-and-Run Accident Lawyers

Hit & Run
Photo by Kelly LaCour

If you have been injured in an accident by a driver who struck your vehicle and then flees the scene, you are entitled to present an uninsured motorist claim under your automobile insurance policy. Your insurance carrier will be required to pay compensation to you for your injuries, except that it will not be required to pay for property damage to your vehicle unless the driver of the other vehicle was identified.

Investigating the Accident

A proper investigation will be necessary in order to prove that your injuries were caused as a result of the negligence of some other driver. For this reason, it is important to act quickly and gather all necessary information, including the names of any witnesses to the accident, and to ensure that a thorough and accurate police report is prepared. To protect your interest, it is best to consult with an attorney as soon as possible.

If you would like to talk with our experienced and caring Raleigh hit-and-run attorney, please contact us.

Bicycle Accidents

Every day children and adult bicycling enthusiasts are injured in our country as a result of the negligence of car drivers. Bicycle riders are entitled to many of the same rights as drivers when using our streets. However, people in cars often pay little attention to bicycle riders on the street, which can result in dangerous possibly fatal bicycle accidents.

An experienced North Carolina personal injury attorney can assist you in protecting your rights and pursuing your claim for any injuries or losses that may occur due to your accident. These losses may include your medical bills, any lost wages due to your injuries, emotional and physical pain and suffering, scarring, and permanent injury. In order to protect your claim, you should seek immediate medical attention. If you are unable to return to work as a result of your injury, you should let your employer know immediately and obtain a doctor’s note explaining your absence. Do not give a recorded or written statement to anyone without speaking to an attorney first. An experienced personal injury attorney will thoroughly investigate your claim and obtain photographs of the accident scene as well as statements from any witnesses while this evidence is still fresh and readily available.

Bicyclist’s Injury Claim

A bicyclist’s claim for personal injuries often raises questions of who was actually at fault.

  • Did the bicyclist actually have the right-of-way?
  • Had the bicyclist established his or her use of the lane before the accident occurred?
  • Did the accident occur at an intersection or while the bicyclist was making a proper turn? As you may know, cyclists are required to use proper hand signals before making a turn on a public street or a road.
  • What were the weather and lighting conditions like on the day the accident occurred? Were the vehicle’s headlights on?
  • How fast was the vehicle traveling?
  • Was the bicycle rider wearing a helmet at the time of the accident?

An experienced personal injury attorney will properly address these issues and will handle your case in a professional and aggressive manner, keeping you informed of progress along the way.

If you have had a bicycle accident, please contact us to get help.