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Tag: small town attorney

Top 5 Reasons to Practice Law In a Small Town

At Kelly & West we are proud to serve the small town of Lillington, NC and surrounding areas. We believe there are many advantages to practicing law in a small town, the best being that we really get to know the people and the local community. Here are some other big reasons we love to practice in our local community:

1. We get to see the people we represent in the community and not just at the office. We often see our clients at the grocery store, at church, and at other places; this allows us to get to know them on a personal as well as a professional level, which adds value to our representation.

2. Practicing in a small town also offers opportunities to maintain a smaller, friendlier staff than often found in firms who practice in larger cities. Each employee at Kelly & West knows a little bit about the job of every other employee and can therefore fill in for each other during the busy times, allowing our clients to get the answers they need when they need them. Having a smaller firm means we maintain a family-like atmosphere built on effective communication and trust throughout the practice.

3. We love the small town practice because it makes us easy to find. Google maps hardly ever leads clients astray and the client doesn’t have to pay to park. Plus, since we serve lots of injured and elderly clients, it’s great that our clients don’t have to park in a large parking deck and then walk a long ways to get into the building and meet with the attorney.

4. Small town means big networking! Becoming established has provided us opportunity to build relationships with judges who we see often in court, the clerks and courthouse staff who help us do our job well, police officers and local first-responders, and many others.

5. Most importantly, practicing in a small town and having a smaller staff allows us to best meet the needs of the clients we serve. Each attorney can spend time getting to know the client and his or her individual needs. We are so thankful for our clients who have supported us through the years and we are proud to be part of such a great community. We look forward to continuing to help our clients and serve them the best we can for many years to come.