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How Do I Pay Medical Expenses During a Personal Injury Case?

If you’ve been involved in an accident that was not your fault, you are a strong candidate to file a personal injury case to receive proper compensation. Personal injury lawyers not only help people with workers’ compensation claims but insurance claims as well. And making a simple mistake could cost you time and money that you don’t necessarily have. 

Personal injury cases can take months, and sometimes years. Your first concern might be how you can pay your medical bills until your case is resolved. Fortunately, you have options.

people typing and doing paperwork


For those of you with insurance, some policies offer medical payment coverage that may apply to you. However, every insurance policy is different so it is important to investigate thoroughly. As personal injury attorneys, it’s our job to guide you through this process and determine if your insurance policy offers the coverage you need.

Should I File a Claim?

Generally, it is a good idea to file for Medical Payments Coverage, especially since this is a coverage that you or someone else pays to have.  However, it has become increasingly difficult to file for medical payments coverage and the insurance companies often require very specific documentation.  Also, often insurance companies want to pay your medical expenses versus paying the money to you.  Having an experienced attorney can help with this process and help ensure that you collect as much of the money as you can.  

How Should I Pay for Medical Expenses?

Of course, the reasoning for filing a personal injury claim is to receive compensation for injury and medical bills. In an ideal world, you’ll be able to pay for your bills until you receive compensation. But we know that isn’t the case for everyone and often medical providers don’t get paid until you get paid.  Even so, one option for payment is to file your health insurance and then let the health insurance company pay for those expenses; however, doing this may decrease the value of your claim so it is important that you consult an experienced attorney to discuss your options.  

If you think you may need to file a personal injury claim, talk to us. Our experienced attorneys are here to guide you in the process and help you through every step of the way.

medical expenses, medical insurance, personal injury